
What Does It Mean if a Girl Paints Her Nails White?

If you’ve been on TikTok lately, you may have heard of “red nail theory,” which proposes that men are subconsciously attracted to women who sport red nail polish. Ever since psychological studies started linking the color red to increased physical attraction between humans, it’s become popular to think that when a woman wears red, men will take notice. Culturally, people associate the color red with confidence, femininity, and passion. It’s an attention-getting hue, so it’s natural to think that wearing a red dress or red nails could make a woman more desirable.

It’s no surprise that when red nail theory caught on, people started wondering about the symbolism of other nail colors. Soon, there was a “blue nail theory,” which basically says that girls in baby-blue nail polish are telling the world that they’re taken. Glamour magazine suggests that your nail polish color can help you manifest your dreams. If you wear orange nail polish, for instance, you might feel more creative and inspired. If you paint your nails yellow, you might decide to approach life with new optimism.

So what about white nails? Well, as it turns out, there are theories for that too.

What Does White Nail Polish Mean?

Certainly, any perfectly manicured set of nails can be a form of self-expression. Nails are easily visible, but plenty of people may think that white nail polish is nothing more than a cute and fashionable choice, especially in the summer. Still, it’s no secret that the fashion trends we wear can give people little hints about who we are. Maybe that’s why it’s no surprise that the internet thinks the white nail trend has a deeper meaning.

For people in the know on social media, painting your nails white is a sign that you’re sending a message about your relationship status. You might even be signaling what you like in bed! You can find tons of white manicure posts on Insta. Even though most of these posts are about achieving a perfect aesthetic, the ones that discuss white nail theory basically say that it means you’re single.

Since it’s common for people to think of cleanliness, freshness, and purity when they see the color white, the connection between being unattached and wearing white nail polish seems pretty innocent. After all, first-time brides wear snow-white dresses, so a woman with white nails could be the very picture of good-girl charm. Keep in mind, though, that colors can mean different things to different people, and pale shades of white are no exception. If you visit Urban Dictionary, some people say that wearing white is a sign that you’re looking for a fresh start. Then again, folks on Urban Dictionary say a lot of things, and many of them are more explicit.

No one knows exactly how the rumor started, but it’s whispered that if you’re wearing white nail polish, you’re not just saying you’re single. Instead, you might be telling the world that you’re available and open to all kinds of naughty exploration.

What Does Wearing White Nail Polish Say to the World?

White nails can be a bit of a mystery—is the girl who wears them the picture of class and restraint, or does she have a wild side? Maybe she’s looking to settle down in a serious relationship, or maybe she wants something else entirely. If women who wear red nail polish are up front about their lust for life, perhaps women who wear white nail polish are very demure but still up for adventure.

Way back in the summer of 2017, a person named Zayden told Urban Dictionary,

“Oh, she got that white nail polish, so you know she got that good good.”

Some people might think that white nail polish means you’re a freak in the sheets. This contrast between being a girl who’s prim and proper on the surface but has a secret dark side can be pretty exciting for some people. Guys who see girls wearing white nail polish may be intrigued and wonder who they really are.

Some Trends Aren’t That Deep

Anyway, deciding what wearing white nail polish means is really all about context; the color of your nails will never tell the whole story. If you see your 73-year-old auntie in white nail polish, you might not assume that she’s a hot item on Hinge.(Then again, you never know!) Plenty of people wear white nail polish because it’s a classic, simple color that goes with everything. Sometimes, there’s no deeper meaning under the surface.

Still, there’s no reason not to have a little fun. You can wear white nail polish to play with expectations since no one can say for sure what it means. If you are a little kinky, white nails can be a fun little way to signal what you like, whether you’re painting your nails bright or pearly white. Besides, not everyone will get it. (If someone raises an eyebrow, you can ask them why they have a dirty mind.)

Unless your crowd is deep into color symbolism, or you know that wearing white nails out of the house will be sure to get attention, taking this trend seriously is up to you. White nail polish can look subtle, fresh, and even professional in everyday settings. When it comes down to it, you get to decide what white nail polish means when you wear it. You get to decide who to be on your own terms, no matter what nail polish color you wear. If you want to flaunt white nails, you can be a shapeshifter. Whatever you believe, if white nails suit your style and you want to stir up a little excitement, why not go for it? After all, TikTok trends come and go, and this one won’t be around forever.

Guest Writers: Lorelei Greene

Storytelling Design; Associate Director of Operations IT (B.E. Interdisciplinary Engineering and B.A. Humanities)

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