Should I Shave My Pubic Hair?

Pussy shaving is a personal choice. Some people do it to feel sexy. Others do it because they want to wear certain kinds of undergarments or bathing attire. The reason doesn’t matter. It is neither shameful nor wrong to shave your pubic hair. Never let anyone tell you otherwise. Likewise, having it isn’t shameful or wrong either. There are some things you should know, however.
Is it Medically Necessary to Shave It?
The answer is “no.” There is no medical reason to shave it. In fact, your pubic hair protects your sexual organs.
Erroneous “Standards of Purity”
For thousands of years, women have been told that their public hair was dirty or otherwise unsanitary. In the 21st century, trans men hear the same thing as cis women. Almost always, it was straight cis men “making the rules,” such as “hairy women are undesirable” or “only an impure woman has pubic hair.” Of course, all of that was, and is, poppycock. Having pubes is natural. After all, Homo sapiens is a land mammal, and almost all land mammals have hair on their bodies. One gynecologist noted that people who come in for pelvic examinations routinely apologize for not having shaved. These standards of “needing to be shaved” have their roots in misogyny.
The Power of Choice
Should you wish to shave your pubic hair by your own choice and not because anyone forced you or shamed you into doing so, then it’s important to do it safely and cleanly. Ensure the razor you use is new. Or, if you use a straight razor, that it is freshly sharpened. In all cases, be sure that the razor is sterilized with alcohol or a similar disinfecting substance.
Draw a hot bath, and soak for about five or 10 minutes to soften the skin of your vulva and mons pubis. That will ease the irritation from the razor. Use shaving cream, an aloe-infused gel, or both, and lather the hair well. Go slowly, and be careful. You’ll leave microcuts behind in the skin, as does anyone who shaves, but you don’t want to cause bleeding. If you shave yourself, then use a mirror to make sure that you can see what you’re doing.
If you have someone else shave your pubic hair for you, such as a partner, then ensure that you trust that person to do the job as safely and cleanly as you would. Some people have a shaving kink that they find quite arousing, so if this describes you, your partner, or both, then please remember that there is no shame, either, in having such a kink.
People who have vulvas should be able to feel empowered to make their own decisions about pussy shaving. Despite their patriarchal privilege, it’s not for cis men to decide what’s right for you.
The Purpose of Pubic Hair
The hair functions much the same as nose hair and ear hair. It’s protective. The hair helps to keep the skin of your mons pubis and vulva moisturized and to reduce irritation. When having penis-in-vagina sex, the hair helps to reduce friction and/or tearing that can occur with skin-on-skin contact. It also acts as a “gatekeeper” against infection.
There is also a theory that pubic hair collects pheromones that come from apocrine glands in the pubic area. Pheromones are what make us appear sexy and desirable to prospective sexual partners.
Your vagina is a self-cleaning organ, which means that the hair covering your vulva is part of that cleaning process. It holds onto dirt and other things that your vagina excretes as it cleans itself. All you have to do is to rinse the area with water on a regular basis. If you want to use soap, then be sure it’s something hypoallergenic and mild.
Alternatives to Pussy Shaving
Shaving can lead to irritation, particularly as the hair grows back. You have other choices when it comes to controlling the hair.
Trimming doesn’t cut all the way down to the skin, so it has less chance of causing irritation or cuts. You can use a simple pair of scissors, a tool specifically designed for trimming the hair on your vulva and mons pubis, or even a beard trimmer. It’s a good idea to use a mirror here, too, to guide you.
Waxing hurts. However, you shouldn’t use a numbing cream beforehand. Waxing can cause burns, and if you get burned, then you want to feel it so that you can have the person stop the treatment. Waxing generally lasts for a couple of weeks. If you decide that you want to have a wax treatment, then be sure to go to a licensed professional.
Laser Hair Removal
Unlike other temporary methods of hair removal, using a laser is permanent in most cases. Again, you should seek the services of a professional with a license for this treatment.
Depilatory Creams
You should avoid these because they contain harsh chemicals that can irritate the tender skin of your genitals much more than other methods of hair removal.
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