
What Kills Long-Distance Relationships

Endlessly waiting for a reply that never comes, feeling agitated over unanswered calls – is this what your long-distance relationship has become?

It’s not your fault. The movies have given us unrealistic expectations of couples making promises over video calls, dreaming about the next time they’ll hold each other.

However, long-distance relationships are far more brutal in real life. The loneliness hits differently; silence comes in and slowly tries to drift you apart.

Before venturing into a long-distance relationship, you need to recognize the most common things that can kill the magic.

What is a Long-Distance Relationship?

When couples must travel at least an hour to see each other, this shows that they are in a long-distance relationship.

People often find someone truly worth holding onto, who makes them happy and loved. However, due to certain circumstances, you become separated by miles and miles of distance.

Even when the love is strong as a rock, you wonder how it will survive or if it can weather the storm.

5 Things that Kill Long-Distance Relationship

Regardless of what made lovers find themselves in a long-distance relationship, they can still take part in each other’s lives.

Unfortunately, many couples neglect to recognize the most common things that can kill the relationship.

Let’s talk about some of the deathly traps waiting to throw your long-distance relationship off the track.

1. Breakdown in Communication

When the signal fades, so does the conversation, and this affects the connection. Long-distance relationships last longer when consistent communication is maintained.

However, different factors might affect both partners in ways that they were not prepared for. For instance, one partner might become engrossed in other activities that suddenly start bringing excitement.

When this happens, communication might gradually reduce till the relationship becomes entirely boring to the other partner.

Another instance is possible when only one partner seems to be making an effort to bridge the communication gap. It soon becomes a weight so heavy that they decide to let go.

2. Lack of Emotional Connection

Being apart from your lover can cause the emotional connections that exist to weaken. This happens naturally as you can no longer communicate with the non-verbal signals that carry hidden meanings.

The impact of facial expressions and body language is usually absent, often causing simple situations to be misunderstood.

Sometimes, partners could become so busy and begin to ignore things like validating each other, sharing personal experiences, and discussing their worries. When these foundational acts that kindle emotions reduce, the relationship might just be on the brink.

3. Absence of Physical Intimacy

Physical intimacy is to romantic relationships what sugar is to pastries. It is a very fundamental way humans use in showing love and affection.

A simple hug, a kiss, or even just holding hands can greatly increase the connection between lovers. However, when this physical intimacy becomes a missing piece in the puzzle, it could lead to loneliness and frustration over time.

Despite the presence of technologies such as video calls or sharing pictures to create moments, the gap still remains. Even other technologies for self-pleasure might come in handy. Hercaress is your go-to store for quality self-pleasure tools.

However, these technologies cannot replace the experience of warmth and comfort that comes with sharing a room with your partner.

4. Insecurities Begin to Arise

Insecurity is a threat to the relationships of partners who are together, let alone those in long-distance relationships. These insecurities often amplify due to the physical separation that exists between the couple.

Doubts begin to arise about your partner’s actions; you begin to feel uncertain about them. It even leads you to start observing if there is a lack of consistency in what they say, giving birth to a lack of trust.

Trust is very important in any long-distance relationship. It is the bedrock of a successful relationship. When trust begins to die, partners begin to demand unnecessary details about each other’s activities.

Moreover, a lack of trust also causes partners to feel anxious and worried about the possibility of betrayal. The separation can cause lovers to drown in fear when they think about the possibility of infidelity.

The increased suspicion and frequent questioning are potent enough to kill any long-distance relationship.

5. Infidelity

Most relationships automatically end in the face of infidelity. Long-distance relationships are no different. It is even a tougher challenge for partners who are separated by distance, especially as temptations abound.

It is not impossible for anyone to slip and fall in the face of sexual temptation, especially when they are vulnerable.

Therefore, you should be honest with yourself and know when to end the relationship instead of getting caught. If the relationship is not working for you, have a conversation about it instead of hurting your partner.

If You Want Your Long-Distance Relationship to Survive, Read This;

The probability of finding anyone who says, “Yeah, I stay 8 hours away from my husband, and it feels incredible” is extremely low.

However, there have also been a few successful survivors of this emotional adventure. Some valuable lessons can be learned about how to keep the fire burning in a long-distance relationship.

10 Ways to Maintain Your LDR

  1. Know when to communicate more and when to do less.
  2. Always plan something to look forward to together.
  3. Don’t be quick to judge a situation.
  4. Ensure the distance is not a permanent barrier.
  5. Frequently remind your partner what you love about them and your relationship.
  6. Show strong support for each other’s interests.
  7. Find a way to handle important matters together, even remotely.
  8. Go on virtual dates (a virtual movie night would do).
  9. Don’t forget to celebrate special occasions
  10. Plan together on how to merge your worlds.

Note this, the efforts we make towards making our long-distance relationships work are what matters. No matter how little, these thoughtful actions and gestures will definitely keep the relationship alive and the romance burning.

Guest Writers: Patricia

Professional Website and Technical Content Writer from Maryland USA.

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